Author: S_Goldberger

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Sports That are Good to Start as Kids

Introducing your child to sports at a young age can have a multitude of benefits. Sports can help children develop physical strength and coordination, social skills,…

Old People Working Out

6 Sports That Are Perfect For Elderly People

As we age, staying active and maintaining physical fitness becomes increasingly important. Engaging in regular physical activity can help prevent or manage chronic diseases, improve balance…

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6 Sports For Knee Pain

Whether knee pain when climbing stairs, hip pain on long walks, pain in the elbows or wrists when doing housework or gardening: joint pain manifests itself…

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These 3 Sports Keep You Young!

It is not at all difficult to keep yourself young into old age with sport and exercise. Studies show that this works particularly well with some…

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4 Sports You Have Never Heard Of

Football, basketball and horse riding? These sports are so from yesterday! Slamball, gym wheel, or cross golf could become the new standard sports of the next…

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The 7 Best Sports To Lose Weight

We introduce you to 7 sports with fat-burning potential and reveal which parts of the body you can use them to specifically tighten. All you have…