Couple Accidentally Bought An Old Mansion, What They Did After Will Definitely Amaze You

Published on 04/13/2021

We are said to be the sum of our choices. While some of us are blessed, others are not so privileged. In any case, both the negative and positive aspects of our personalities shape who we become. Even though words are so cheap, make your behavior count! If you’re still unsure about who you are what you’d like to be, don’t worry; you’ll figure it out soon. Even the tiniest decisions can have far-reaching and long-term effects on our lives. Upon reading about this young couple who recently purchased a Scottish manor by mistake, we think we can persuade you.

This Young Couple Purchased A Mansion By Accident, And Here's Why

This Young Couple Purchased A Mansion By Accident, And Here’s Why

Making Mistakes

Claire Segeren and Cal Hunter are a couple of young people who adore each other. They spent a full year together when Claire chose to start a year off from medical school. They ended up buying a house at an auction after conducting research and touring the properties. After some deliberation, the two came to a conclusion. Cal then went on to make an offer on their dream home. Instead, he was given a 120-year-old manor after winning the auction!

Making Mistakes

Making Mistakes

Wrong Bid

They were looking to purchase an apartment in Pollokshields, Glasgow, despite the fact that neither of them was Scottish. So because the house had been damaged by fire, they realized there will be a lot of work ahead of them. It was estimated that fixing it would take six months, but the delay was well worth it. When Cal halted by the auction house, Claire went back home to visit.

Wrong Bid

Wrong Bid

Big Accident

He made offers on the property and was delighted when his £ 30,000 bid was accepted. His joy shifted to panic when he discovered the house on which he had bid was being purchased in three lots! He also owns another home, which turned out to be a 120-year-old mansion in Dunoon, Scotland.

Big Accident

Big Accident

Taking It Well

When Cal heard “all sales are final,” he discovered he’d got it wrong. He inhaled deeply and dialed his girlfriend’s phone number in Canada, where she was visiting her family. Imagine telling your girlfriend you paid $39,400 for a home you didn’t wish. She did not become upset, which was surprising.

Taking It Well

Taking It Well

It Could Be Worse

Because the amount of cash they had to invest in property was not unreasonable, they planned to renovate the house they purchased. She guaranteed him that it wouldn’t be an issue. Cal’s father was standing right next to her when she called, and he agreed. “What’s the worst that could happen?” he wondered. They were about to find out everything there was to know about their new home.

It Could Be Worse

It Could Be Worse

Fixer Upper

Cal learned the name of the manor at the auction: Jameswood Villa. It was described as necessitating “full upgrading throughout.”  He came along a 2010 Google Streetview photo. These two have been up for the task, regardless of the fact that the area was no longer in its peak form.

Fixer Upper

Fixer Upper

Ideal, But Not Ideal

Because they had to bring up Dunoon on a graph to find out how their new home seemed to be, Claire was Canadian and Cal was English. They were eased to discover that Glasgow was only a short distance away. Claire was going to start Glasgow University’s medical school, so this was perfect for them. The initial panic had worn apart, and the young couple was optimistic about their situation.

Ideal, But Not Ideal

Ideal, But Not Ideal

Misleading Advertisement

They were both extremely hopeful about their new venture. Cal went to Dunoon to inspect the house they had bought at the auction. They were disappointed as soon as it arrives at the area because the photo was discovered to be outdated.

Misleading Advertisement

Misleading Advertisement

Rotten To The Core

Meanwhile, the roof, full of gaping holes, had arrived. The majority of the timber had decayed, indicating that no one had stayed in the manor for the previous twenty years. Apart from that, they knew they’d want to remove the pipework and the electrical system. Their new “derelict house” wasn’t destined to be as risky and run-down as this was.

Rotten To The Core

Rotten To The Core

Bad Shape

Furthermore, the “leaning, crumbling front wall” was arched in a very direction that it was hidden, implying serious structural problems. They later found that the house was collapsing into the surface. There was no doubt about how complicated this area would be.

Bad Shape

Bad Shape

Optimistic and Determined

Cal and Claire aren’t about to give up despite the problems. They traveled throughout England and went across numerous abandoned places. They were all set to transform it into a lovely home. Regardless of the fact that Jameswood proved to be harder to flip than they had anticipated, they were undeterred by the challenge. It made them extremely happy! These two seem to be quite the daredevils!

Optimistic and Determined

Optimistic and Determined

A Wake-Up Call

When they discovered they didn’t have enough money to finish the project, they were shocked. They thought they’d have to think outside the box to fund this project. They will also have to not only complete the repairs themselves but also change their lifestyle. They will have to quit paying rent or mortgage in relation to doing most of the work.

A Wake Up Call

A Wake-Up Call

The Caravan Life

They now have to give up a lot of stuff and go all-in if they wished to do this. This is precisely what they’ve done. They both got down to business and rolled up their hands. They expected to be destitute for the entire process, so they contracted a caravan and sat it in the garden of the property.

The Caravan Life

The Caravan Life

Manageable Issues

The caravan will represent their home until the situation is fixed, given the fact that this still lacks electricity and running water. They have been able to get by using some candles and requesting approval to use their neighbors’ oven and shower.

Manageable Issues

Manageable Issues

Adventurous Couple

“Determined to make life an adventure,” these two young people said. It appears that they have exactly what they desire! They were more than willing to take a chance on the hand in front of them. After all, fate was the one who brought them together.

Adventurous Couple

Adventurous Couple

How They Met

We’re sure you’re curious about how this Englishman and this Canadian first met. Their first encounter took place in the French Alps, according to reports. They met and got along swimmingly during the ski season. They then became a couple, went on a road trip across Europe, and spent the summer in Canada. As the saying goes, the rest is history!

Adventurous Couple

How They Met

Their Own Blog

The couple decided to start a blog and an Instagram page to keep track of their renovation progress. It was a difficult renovation, which added to the couple’s enjoyment of documenting their journey.

Their Own Blog

Their Own Blog

What Have We Done?

As a joke about “what have we done?” the two chose the witty title “What Have We Dunoon?” This is a clever take on how the project began and where their property was located. Isn’t that hilarious wordplay?

What Have We Done

What Have We Done


They post regularly so that their followers and fans can join them in celebrating the little things like installing the electrical grid or taking care of the plumbing. And, of course, there are tea breaks! They are, after all, in the United Kingdom. The couple recently shared this photo on Instagram, thanking their followers for helping them reach the 100-follower mark!



Their Schedule

As previously stated, the two had no choice but to put their entire selves into the project. They did enlist the assistance of a few of their friends. They received assistance, for example, in cleaning up the dirt on the sidewalk.

Their Schedule

Their Schedule

Making It Work

They continued to take this assignment for granted because they had so many other things to do. It was wonderful that their friend was glad to help them. Claire has been working full-time on the project, while Cal works part-time as a carpenter to supplement their income.

Making It Work

Making It Work

Setbacks Left and Right

There was no doubt that the task they were taking on was significant due to the amount of work needed. Since the beginning of the project in November 2018, the two have run into several issues. “Finding a new problem seems to be a daily occurrence,” Cal continued.

Setbacks Left and Right

Setbacks Left and Right

DIY Installations

When the work van got stuck in the mud, the two of them decided to build a driveway themselves. They had to dig up the water supply to find it, which proved to be more difficult than anticipated. The search for a cable that would allow them to power the grid took five months!

DIY Installations

DIY Installations

Like A Paradox

They had one more issue that would pique the interest of writer Joseph Heller. The manor needed a new roof because the current one has enough holes to pass for a Swiss cheese slice. However, they were unaware that there was a problem.

Like A Paradox

Like A Paradox

The Community

It was fortunate that they were never truly alone in the project. Their friends were not the only ones who came to their assistance. Cal and Claire support the local community in town as well! We discussed how some of the young couple’s neighbors thought they could share their showers and ovens with them. However, there were other ways they could help.

The Community

The Community

Stuck In A Rut

The walls did not appear strong enough to support a new roof because they were far too rickety. They needed to repair the walls, but without a roof, the rain would just come down and ruin them all over again. “It’s like a huge catch-22 jigsaw puzzle,” Cal described the situation.

Stuck In A Rut

Stuck In A Rut


Cal said, “We’ve been overwhelmed by the kindness of the people of Dunoon.” Although some thought they were crazy for doing this, the residents have always been encouraging and supportive. What a wonderful community surrounds them! Claire and Cal created a GoFundMe page to raise funds for their project, to which family, friends, and even strangers can contribute.



Support From Near And Far

Many others have contacted Claire and Cal through their blog. Their followers were always there for these two, offering technical advice and pointing them in the right direction for materials. If that wasn’t enough, the emigrating couple also met many people who helped them with their renovation. Daily, 4-5 friends show up to help in any way they can.

Support From Near And Far

Support From Near And Far

Eco-Friendly Project

Cal and Claire wanted to make this renovation project as environmentally friendly as possible, in addition to their practical financial concerns. In that sense, they have chosen to use reclaimed building materials. They are willing to recycle wood, floorboards, kitchen cabinets, and anything else you can think of! Whatever they can get their hands on, they’ll use!

Eco-Friendly Project

Eco-Friendly Project

A Test

The fixer-upper of Jameswoods Villa was going to teach these lovebirds more than just some useful skills. Claire thought it was also a way to put their relationship to the test. After all, what could they lose if they lived in a caravan on the construction site? This was her line of reasoning. She was a perpetual optimist who always saw the bright side of things. Claire admitted, “It’s a long way off, but it is there.”

A Test

A Test

Their End Goal

Everything, especially the end goal, should be meticulously planned whenever you begin a project of this scale. After all, you need to finalize what you’ll be working on so that no time is wasted. This was fortunately not a problem for the young couple.

Their End Goal

Their End Goal

Big Future Plans

When they put down their tools, they both expected the property to be completely renovated. They also intend to convert it into three separate apartments. They intend to sell two of them, use the proceeds to pay off their debts, and then live in the remaining unit.

Big Future Plans

Big Future Plans

A Happy Accident

As you can see, perspective is crucial. It would have been easy to lose hope as soon as they realized they had paid for the wrong house. We can all agree that it was a huge mistake. Cal and Claire, on the other hand, chose to view the incident as a “happy accident.” Since time cannot be reversed, why not make the most of it?

A Happy Accident

A Happy Accident

No Need To Dwell

Even though it wasn’t what they had in mind, they knew that life was one big adventure. That’s how they dealt with it, and we’re grateful for that. They didn’t want to stay in despair when they could still turn things around. We’re not sure we’d be able to do what these two young adults did, and we’re sure many others feel the same way! Cal and Claire take on everything in life with a smile and a determined mind!

No Need To Dwell

No Need To Dwell

Calculating Risks

Like everything else in life, one must weigh the risks and benefits. The project’s risks were immediately apparent from the start. Who knows, maybe they lost their hard-earned money when they bought it. Furthermore, the renovation may cause them to lose even more. It was, to say the least, a huge risk.

Calculating Risks

Calculating Risks


However, they believed that the positives outweigh the negatives in this situation. They would not only learn a lot along the way, but they would also grow closer as a couple. Not only that, but they’d be able to call themselves homeowners while still in their twenties. They wouldn’t even have to pay their mortgage! It would be a tremendous achievement.

Mortgage Less

Mortgage Less

No Gray Areas

We’re confident you’ll agree with us when we call Theodore Roosevelt the greatest president the United States has ever had. If you don’t, be aware that we are prepared to fight for it. He had a few tricks up his sleeve when it came to overcoming obstacles. He had asthma as a child and went on to become a hero during the Spanish-American War. If that doesn’t speak for itself, we don’t know what will!

No Gray Areas

No Gray Areas

Wise Words

He’d just have to figure out what to say to Cal and Claire. He once said that it is preferable to risk great things, even if you occasionally fail than to live in power. “gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.” We’re confident that these two doers will follow in the footsteps of the former POTUS. When they’ve had setbacks along the way, they’ve never given up.

Wise Words

Wise Words

Good Luck

Although there may not be a direct line to fate, we are confident that their huge gamble would pay off handsomely if there were justice in the world. Fate played a role in bringing these two lovers from different parts of the world together. They’ve now arrived in a third country, where they hoped to begin a new chapter of their lives together, even though it has taken a very different path than they had anticipated.

Good Luck

Good Luck

Nothing Is In Their Way

We’ll just keep our fingers crossed for them while the work is still going on, which will take a long time. We hope they never lose their optimism and work hard to deal with their “happy accident,” but we have to admit, we’re not too concerned about these two. They appear to know exactly what they want, and nothing seems to be able to stop them when they are determined!

Nothing Is In Their Way

Nothing Is In Their Way

Remaining Positive

We’re sure they had a lot of frustrating moments along the way. It’s also likely to be exhausting. At the very least, we hope they keep their spirits up. Fortunately, they’ve been upbeat so far and aren’t letting any setbacks get them down!

Remaining Positive

Remaining Positive

Things Will Get Better

It could be a lot of hard work, with more than its fair share of obstacles. For one thing, the truck sank under the weight of the bricks at one point. We are confident, however, that they will succeed in overcoming this obstacle. Their plans will be implemented gradually but steadily.

Things Will Get Better

Things Will Get Better

Good Riddance

Since it is so old, the house is falling apart. They also had a lot of garbage to get rid of. They made numerous trips to the dump to dispose of various filthy, gross, and moldy items. The couple had to fill up the truck to its maximum capacity before heading to the dump. Despite their best efforts, most of the items they discovered in the house are no longer usable.

Good Riddance

Good Riddance

Stay Safe

It’s important to remember that your safety should always come first when working on a project of this magnitude (or any project, for that matter). Numerous factors can cause danger or harm, particularly when it comes to renovations.

Stay Safe

Stay Safe


This is why you must ensure that you are dressed appropriately before going to work. You may inhale soot, dust, mold, and chemicals while working on a construction site. Because of this, you must keep your face mask on.



Down and Dirty

Furthermore, the couple must be aware that if they want the renovation project to succeed, they must be willing to get their hands dirty. Fortunately, they can buy work gloves to protect their hands from dirt and wounds.

Down and Dirty

Down and Dirty

To Social Media

They were so happy with their new pair of gloves that they went on Instagram and posted about how much they love them. The couple did mention, however, that the new pair of gloves would only last an hour.

To Social Media

To Social Media

Breaks They Deserve

Despite the enormity of the task ahead of them, the couple was adamant about seeing it through and not giving up on their dream of transforming the rotting old manor into the home of their dreams. It’s a good sign that they haven’t given up hope, no matter what they’ve been through.

Breaks They Deserve

Breaks They Deserve

A Bit Of Zen

We’re also glad to hear that they make sure the two of them get as much rest as they require. They also go out and have a good time with their friends. They also make it a point to include some fun in their schedule! At the moment, they are still working on the project.

A Bit Of Zen

A Bit Of Zen