Here Are Some of the Most Awkward Pictures of TV Stars With Their Fans

Published on 05/17/2021

It isn’t easy to become the focal point of any photograph, whether you’re prepared or not. You could be the attractive or attractive type who is always ready to be the center of attention. However, you might be camera-shy for a variety of reasons (we won’t judge). Even Hollywood’s most well-known stars have been known to pose for some awkward fan photos from time to time, regardless of whether they’re camera-ready. And, on occasion, these unsettling fan photos are simply a moment in time when both the fan and the celebrity should have passed up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Here Are Some of the Most Awkward Pictures of TV Stars With Their Fans

Here Are Some of the Most Awkward Pictures of TV Stars With Their Fans

Luke Wilson

Like his brother Owen, Luke Wilson has no qualms about being a lady’s man both on and off-screen. Luke, on the other hand, is clearly not interested in looking the camera in the eyes. Instead, he’s admiring the beauty of the woman on the left. Let’s hope they took a second photo, but this time properly.

Luke Wilson

Luke Wilson

Bill Murray

This kid likes Bill Murray, but he isn’t aware of it. Murray knew how to play along to make Mom and Dad feel a little less embarrassed when they were told to say “cheese” with his comedic timing. Bill’s impersonation of the kid’s expression is quite amusing!

Bill Murray

Bill Murray


It makes no difference who you are or who you’re listening in on… When you surprise someone, they will reciprocate. Rihanna has been spooked and disturbed by this unexpected fan photo. We wish her the best of luck in recovering from this unexpected setback.



Kanye West

Everyone is stunned to be so close to Kanye West, except for Kanye West. Kanye West couldn’t be found anywhere. He’d fly there right away in his private plane. Kanye West isn’t really feeling it in here. Let’s hope that he was okay at the time.

Kanye West

Kanye West

Keanu Reeves

Nobody knows how to avoid “cancel culture” like Keanu Reeves. When a man stops to pose with his fans, he doesn’t take any chances, and Dolly Parton is no exception. These photos alone demonstrate what a wonderful person he is!

Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves

Stan Lee

“I’m smiling but I really don’t want to,” Stan Lee says. But, of course, Stan Lee isn’t even credited with inventing or co-inventing Marvel’s Wolverine concept, which is surprising. Nonetheless, here we are, squinting our eyes and attempting to make sense of this dreadful high school yearbook photo.

Stan Lee

Stan Lee

Ed O’Neil

Ed admitted on “The Ellen Show” that he has difficulty recognizing other celebrities in public. Britney Spears, for example, once requested that he take a photo with her in an airport, which he gladly agreed to, but he mistook her for another fan. His manager called him the next day to tell him it had a lot of likes.

Ed O'Neill

Ed O’Neill

Tom Hanks

Is there a way to love Tom Hanks even more? He possesses charisma, talent, and a good sense of humor. He’s now taking innocent photos with the stereotypical passed-out college student in local bars. Is there anything Tom Hanks doesn’t have?

Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks

Randy Orton

WWE superstar Randy Orton would gladly pose for a photo with his fans if they asked. Taking a selfie in the bathroom mirror without permission, on the other hand, is probably where the line should be drawn… Seriously, Randy appeared to be in a bad mood here!

Randy Orton

Randy Orton

Russell Brand

We know Russell Brand likes women, but he appears to be in pain. This appears to be a planned moment between you two before taking the photo, but you began to back away as soon as it got too close. As a result, the results are… less than favorable.

Russell Brand

Russell Brand

Emma Watson

Emma Watson, you maintain your beautifully elegant individuality no matter where you stride. From the set to the streets full of strangers, you manage to make this streetwalker look like a movie star himself. In fact, the man on the right appears to be Vincent Crabbe from Harry Potter.

Emma Watson

Emma Watson

Luke Perry

The awkwardness of this fan photo with late actor Luke Perry was heightened by his unenthusiastic facial expression and hovering hand… This is one of those photos that is excruciating to look at because of how awkward it is.

Luke Perry

Luke Perry

Sasha Banks

WWE superstar Sasha Banks does not look pleased to be meeting a fan in the middle of an airport. Given how often she complains about “airport creepers” on Twitter, this is most likely her attitude toward anyone who bothers her at the airport.

Sasha Banks

Sasha Banks

Kim Kardashian

You can almost hear Kim K exclaim, “Oh no, a selfie-angle photo I won’t be able to edit to my liking!” But, in reality, she appears exhausted and worn out in this photograph. It’s almost as if she doesn’t want to be in the picture.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian

Katy Perry

In this photo, Katy Perry appears to be having a good time. Even so, it must be unsettling to see yourself tattooed across someone’s back. Consider how you would feel if you were in her shoes. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if someone had a tattoo of you on their back?

Katy Perry

Katy Perry

David Beckham

It’s common for fans to rush onto the field at sporting events to get on television. This fan, on the other hand, chose to take a selfie with a puzzled David Beckham. Unfortunately, David appears to have been coerced into having his picture taken.

David Beckham

David Beckham

Alexa Bliss

This fan got a little too close to Alexa Bliss, the WWE women’s champion. That appears to be a very uneasy embrace. We hope this fan realized later that his idol was a little uncomfortable with the awkward hug he just gave.

Alexa Bliss

Alexa Bliss

Miley Cyrus

Look at this photo of Miley Cyrus when she was younger. This fan, for one, appears ecstatic at the prospect of meeting her teen pop idol… Hannah Montana. However, this fan appears to have peered into the future and is weeping for Miley Cyrus’s future self. “I came in like a wrecking ball…….”

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

Ed Sheeran

This would have made a remarkable Ed Sheeran fan photo, but there’s a catch… Don’t expect Ed Sheeran to be the guy in the photo. Allow this cute girl to have fun while believing that this guy is sincere. I don’t see why there should be a problem as long as he’s nice. They’re practically brothers, in any case.

Ed Sheeran

Ed Sheeran

Justin Bieber

Yeah, we get it; you’re a die-hard “Belieber.” But here’s the thing: if you’re one of the lucky fans who get to take a selfie with your favorite celebrity, blubbering might not be the best look for your big moment with them. You can almost tell Justin is uncomfortable just by looking at him.

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Dylan O’Brien

There is no better feeling than discovering that one of your Hollywood crushes shops at the same store as you. So it makes us laugh that Hollywood star Dylan O’Brien is just as frazzled as the rest of us when it comes to shopping among fans.

Dylan O'Brien

Dylan O’Brien

Cara Delevigne

Cara Delevigne is a truly unique talent. The large crowds, elegant dresses, and large video camera on the left appear to indicate a red-carpet event. But, unfortunately, this poor interviewee has no idea that Cara is photobombing right behind her. At the very least, her antics will not be captured by the video camera.

Cara Delevigne

Cara Delevigne

Jason Momoa

The wife of this couple appears to be having the time of her life. But, on the other hand, her husband is a figment of their current relationship. Jason Momoa, her new husband, has taken his place and has promised to protect her for the rest of her life.

Jason Momoa

Jason Momoa

Katy Perry… Again

The guy on the right has already decided who he’ll invite to prom this year. On the other hand, Katy Perry looks at the camera as if she made a mistake a few weeks ago and is only now realizing it.

Katy Perry... Again

Katy Perry… Again

Jimmy Fallon & Jon Hamm

Awkward fan photos aren’t always what they appear to be. They are, on the contrary, quite fun and interesting! Take, for example, this adorable family who Jimmy Fallon and Jon Hamm photobombed. You can’t deny that this looks to be a good time!

Jimmy Fallon & Jon Hamm

Jimmy Fallon & Jon Hamm

Weird Al-Yankovic

Weird Al has the task of putting together a fantastic fan photo. Take a look at all of those fans who are completely engrossed in the comedian. At the hardware store, I have a sneaking suspicion he has a slew of fans.

Weird Al

Weird Al

Katie Holmes

Although this isn’t a real photo, notice how similar these two best friends are. Is there a chance they’re not the same person? Again, this isn’t a cringe-worthy fan photo; rather, it’s a win. They should definitely get together and recreate the photo! Don’t you agree?

Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes

Tom Felton

Draco Malfoy is forced to blend in with the muggles in one of the greatest crossover films of all time… Everything happens in the Star Wars universe. Will Draco use a wand or a lightsaber when the going gets tough?

Tom Felton

Tom Felton

Eric Stonestreet & Neil Flynn

On this fan’s left is Modern Family star, Eric Stonestreet. Neil Flynn’s classic Scrubs grin can be seen between the two of them if you look closely. So the glitz and glam came from two celebrities, one knowingly and the other unknowingly.

Eric Stonestreet & Neil Flynn

Eric Stonestreet & Neil Flynn

Norman Reedus

As a result of The Walking Dead’s overabundance of zombies, Norman Reedus has learned to fear nothing. So when he takes a photo with this body builder’s girlfriend, he doesn’t even look away from the camera, giving the finger in the process. But, of course, he’s spent years preparing for this moment.

Norman Reedus

Norman Reedus

Mark Hamill

The Force was clearly with this fan when he met Luke Skywalker… as were 6-7 Red Bulls, it would appear. Did they intend to take this photo in the same pose as the previous one? There’s something about this picture that makes me think it was created by force.

Mark Hamill

Mark Hamill

Bella Twins

We’re not sure if the Bella Twins, who are wrestlers-turned-reality stars, appreciated two male fans dressed as Nikki Bella and her former real-life fiancé, John Cena. However, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So we can only imagine how awkward this photo was to take.

The Bella Twins

The Bella Twins

Khloe Kardashian

Wearing high heels to a meet and greet with fans might not have been the best idea for Khloe Kardashian, who is already quite tall. We can already imagine how painful it must be to constantly bend her knees to take pictures with her fans by looking at her knees.

Khloe Kardashian

Khloe Kardashian

Kristin Stewart

Kristin Stewart, who plays Bella Swan in the Twilight Saga, is well-known among Twilight fans. But you’d never guess it based on the death gear she’s handing out to autograph seekers in this photo.

Kristin Stewart

Kristin Stewart