Soccer is a majorly demanding sport, with soccer players exerting maximum effort in those 90 minutes. They can expend over 3000 calories each day, this is if they are professional players. With their extreme and intense training, their energy needs soccer players to need to consume the right amount of each food group, and live by specific dietary needs in order to maximize their function and playing. Whether it be intense training on and off the field they are knowledgable that the right foods and diet are mandatory in reaching excellence and sustaining their best game. Here is the low down on hat they eat, how it id divided, and why it is as such.

Soccer Player Diet Secrets
Soccer Player’s Ideal Diet
Like any diet, a soccer player is split according to the food groups. The ideal division is Carbohydrates at 60%, Fats at 25%, and protein at 15%- now this is not suitable for just any individual. Again we are talking about individuals who expend tons of calories each day and need reserve energy to do so, if your average joe had to eat like this-odds are he would for sure put on weight.
This does not mean that soccer players are filling themselves with crisps and saturated fats but rather the type of carb and fat they eat matters. They often tend to eat whole grains and high fiber carbohydrates, Bread, potatoes, cereal, pasta, and rice are all included. When it comes to fats the aim is to eat monosaturated, polyunsaturated, and omega fatty acids. Protein, well we all know what protein is and it is usually lean and clean. They eat plenty of fresh fruit, fresh vegetables and we can see from the media they do not compromise on living large.
To be a professional athlete and have your body in tip-top shape is rather demanding, however, athletes manage to train insane and follow the necessary regimes. Before their matches what they eat is fundamental for performance. They usually maximize their carbohydrate intake, carbo-loading is the way! They also usually drink some kind of energy drink packed with electrolytes before. The goal is to fuel up and obtain as much energy as they need for the game ahead. It is important that that soccer players stay hydrated they lose around 3 liters of sweat per game, and replenishing what the body loses is extremely important. Well, don’t we all wish we could be eating as much carbs as these professionals. Imagine how intense their post-match meal must be!
The demands of being a professional athlete superseded that of our normal everyday needs, their diet is specific to their energy output and thus, we can now understand how Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi have the ability to perform the way in which they do. Being a professional athlete may seem all glorious but they too have to put in the necessary work and effort needed to succeed and remain in the game. For those of us who live very active lives we can take a note out of their book and realize that eating carbs is something important for day-to-day function.