Here’s Why Everyone Should Learn To Tap Dance

Published on 05/31/2020

Tap dancing is considered to be one of the most beautiful forms of art, but it is also an excellent way to exercise. Making music with your feet in the form of dynamic movements is highly enjoyable and entertaining for both dancers and those watching. With so many unique benefits both physically and mentally, tap dancing is really for any age group and should definitely be tried by all – at least once! Take a look at a few of the reasons as to why you should learn to tap dance.

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Here’s Why Everyone Should Learn To Tap Dance

Improves Balance

Tap dancing has so many benefits. As tapping demands a lot of weight shifting, your balance, coordination, and core control are automatically improved. This then means better posture, less back pain, and decreased chance of serious injury from tripping or falling.

An Excellent Workout

Wait until you try a short tap session – you’ll immediately see what a great cardio workout it is. Tap dance gets the heart rate up in a way even more than a quick jog around the block. The major muscle groups in the legs and core get toned and don’t forget it a really fun way to stay in shape. It’s one of the best aerobic exercises out there.

It Makes A Lot Of Noise

No matter you’re age – everyone loves to make a little noise now and then. It’s often very satisfying in an odd way, both physically and emotionally. Tap dance contains very similar therapeutic benefits for teens, adults, seniors, or anyone really who is looking for an acoustical outlet. By using tap dance as an outlet for expression, is an amazing way to enhance emotional health as well as building self-confidence.

Tap Makes You Smarter

Like many dance styles, tap dancing includes learning different rhythm patterns. By learning and memorizing patterns, it allows the brain to get a great workout. We all know that mental exercise strengthens healthy brain activity and can often help shield disorders such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. So go get tapping!

Everyone Can Do It

Tap dance is most popular amongst younger children and teenagers, but that shouldn’t stop senior citizens or anyone for that matter to give it a go! Whether it’s your first time or you’ve had some previous experience, there’s always a class and level for you. Although traditionally, tap dance is known as a “girly” dance form, there are in fact many famous male tap dancers around the world. With that being said, Tap can be accustomed to any fitness and skill level. We highly recommend it- you won’t regret trying it out!