Fun Facts About World Tennis Champion, Novak Djokovic You Probably Didn’t Know About

Published on 09/24/2020

33 years old, Serbian born Tennis legend is known as a huge sports icon around the world. Currently, considered as the best men’s single player ‘Nole’ is much more than just a tennis star. With his unmatched skills and incredible physical fitness, there is a whole lot more about The Serbinator that fans would love to know. So, take a look at some of these little unknown facts about the remarcble tennis king, Novak Djokovic.

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Fun Facts About World Tennis Champion, Novak Djokovic You Probably Didn’t Know About

He Started From A Young Age

This amazing tennis world champion first put his hands on a racquet from a very young age. Novak Djokovic was just 4 years old! So how exactly did it all begin? Well, as a young boy he used to visit a tennis camp every day simply to watch other people play. At the time, the camp was run by one of Serbia’s best tennis coaches, Jelena Gencic. After a few days of being totally intrigued, he was eventually invited to start playing tennis. It eas often said that as a young boy he was so focused and always quite a serious look on his face.

Love & Marriage

Novak and his wife, Jelena Ristic actually met during their days in high school during a tennis program. The two dated for eight years before eventually tying the knot in 2014. The beautiful couple have two children. A son, Stefan, and a daughter Tara.


Djokovic is has described himself as a man who loves languages. He is fluent in five languages, Serbian, French, English, Italian, and German.

Famous For His Quirky Impersiantions

One of the main reasons that fans love to watch Novak on court is because he is extremely skilled and talented. However, that is not just the only reason…he is also known to be quite the entertainer. Djokovic sometimes goes by the name Djoker after fans and journalists soon realized just how funny he really is. From time to time, he often pulls off some comedy tricks which includes some brilliant impersonations of his fellow tennis players.

Huge Dog Lover

Novak Djokovic makes it very clear that he is a massive dog lover. He has two adorable poodles, Tesla and Pierre that go absolutely everywhere with him Despite the fact he competes in tennis tournaments all around the world, his loyal companions are always by his side. When the whole family is traveling, both the poodles will tag along as well.

Fussy Eater

Although Novak is a world-famous tennis legend, he is by no means perfect. One of his shortcomings is that he quite a picky eater. So firstly, he avoids gluten at all costs and consumes a lot of vegetables. Basically, most of his meals on vegan bases, additionally, he does not consume dairy products or alcohol. He knows just how important a healthy lifestyle is for his body and of course his performance on the court.

Restaurant Owner

Besides being the third man in the world to hold all 4 Grand Salm Tennis titles, believe it or not but he also owns a cafe & restaurant. Locaated in Belgrade, Serbia, the amazing restaurant includes a variety of delioic foods, including many vegan dishes. The entire restaurant is decorated with all kinds of tennis memroabliila, photos and trophies. If you ever get the opportunity, this is definitely a place you need tot visiy!